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A Message From The Club Captain

Peter's Newsletter

19th July 2024

It is with great sadness that ALBC’s green will close permanently on 30th September 2025. Various factors have influenced the management’s decision to close the club. ALBC has been a haven for lawn bowls in the sun since 1996 and has had a fabulous track record.


I wanted to say that as far as I am concerned nothing has changed as yet at ALBC. We still have 14 months to shine as brightly as we have in the past.


In order to plan and organise teams for the winter league, club competitions and other events, members at ALBC have been asked to confirm whether they will be staying with the club until our green closes for the last time.


I am getting positive feedback from the members who will be staying. We are not done yet!


We may not be able to field three teams for the winter league this year but I am confident that we will field two competitive teams. The target is 1st and 2nd place at the end of the winter league!


We can do it, we have great people and some fantastically capable bowlers.


See you soon,


Peter Latham

Club Captain

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