Facebook page
Almeria Lawn Bowling Club
Competition secretary - Tony Lear Tel: 634 386 411 email: tony.lear@hotmail.co.uk
Ladies Captain - Carole Hollett Tel: 666 863 908 email: carole.hollett@hotmail.co.uk
ALBC Social Page
Social Secretary : Ann Miles
Barbara Reardon
Linda Band
Club Lunch
The next club lunch has been booked for Wednesday June 12th at 2.00pm
The venue is Restaurant Solare in Turre.
The cost is €18 per person.
The list is on the notice board in the changing room. If you wish to attend, please enter your name on the list along with your starter and main course choice. It is not necessary to pre order dessert.If you are not at the club and wish to attend email me (ann.miles1@live.co.uk) your choices and I will add you to the list.
Below is a copy of the restaurant takeaway menu for reference showing the choices.
Visiting Teams
A Friendly match at home against Emerald Isle will take place on May 6th.
They are hoping to bring 30 players so please get your name down to play.
The list is on the notice board.